Reviews from the Canberra International Festival, Australia
1 - 10 May 2015
"Two Pages was written in the same year (1968) as 1+1 and was performed by Gabi Sultana. As someone who has been listening to the music of Glass for four and a half decades, I was stunned. This was as good a performance of this piece as one is ever likely to hear. The performer’s focus and clarity of the composer’s vision coupled with her prodigious technique made for an extraordinary musical experience. I suspect that for me, it will remain the definitive version."
- Jim Cotter for Canberra City News
"...Gabi Sultana, playing Op 10 No 1 (1798), showed excellent technique being in full control of the dynamics ranging from the lyrical to the “in-your-face” elements. Sultana showed a sensitive personal connection to her piece..."
- Clinton White for Canberra City News
(about Beethoven's Sonata in c minor Op. 10 No. 1)
" ... Sublime "Tempest" ... she gave us Beethoven at his lyrical best"
- Diana Brown
CIMF Reporter
(about Beethoven's "Tempest " Sonata
"... Her interpretation perhaps added a level to what we might be used to hearing in Beethoven’s music..."
- Clinton White for Canberra City News
(about Beethoven's "Tempest" Sonata)
" ...A journey into melanchonic dark dreams ... Gabi Sultana reached into the piano as if pulling the music out in long strands, her arms extended downwards into the keyboard ..."
- Jennifer Gall for Sydney Morning Herald
(about Scriabin's "Vers La Flamme")